Tuesday, 22 April 2008

How to Personalise Your Wedding

When planning a wedding it is easy to get lost in all of the different aspects involved and even easier to lose sight of what you actually want.

Following a few simple rules and guidelines will ensure that your wedding will reflect your personalities and styles and will add aspects that will ensure your guests know that it is your wedding.

The most important thing to remember is that the day is about you and your partner and this should be reflected throughout the wedding.

Choose a theme that reflects you whether it is a favourite colour, a sport, a hobby and use it to personalise things. However, do not combine different themes, choose one and stick to it.

Once you have chosen your theme, it is a great idea to produce a ‘mood board’. It is all too easy to save pictures that you have seen and swatches of fabrics you like in a file, but until you put them all together it is hard to see what does and doesn’t work. Make as many mood boards as you want, to see what works well. You can then use this to show to your suppliers who will instantly understand what look you are trying to achieve.

Make sure though that you don’t go over the top. It is easy to get carried away. Choose a number of elements that you can personalise such as invitations, centre pieces, attendants outfits, flowers, even music but make them impressionable. To add too many things will over power the wedding and any impact could get lost. Have just a few bold items, this could be large flower displays, an amazing cake design or the use of coloured lighting and then finish off the theme with smaller details.

Finally, don’t forget your budget. Theming a wedding usually involves the finer details of things and last minute ideas and changes can seriously alter your budget. If you choose a theme from the beginning, brain storm the different aspects that you want to incorporate into it, then you can budget for them accordingly.

By following these simple guidelines you will be ensuring your guests will walk away not only impressed but knowing that it was definitely your wedding and no one else’s.


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